Sunrise – Rebounderz Mon, 24 Sep 2018 17:26:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sunrise – Rebounderz 32 32 Stay (Mentally) Healthy With Rebounderz Mon, 24 Sep 2018 17:26:38 +0000 Continue reading Stay (Mentally) Healthy With Rebounderz]]> The first week in October kicks off Mental Health Awareness Week, and while adults have many resources to help sort through their feelings and emotional health, teenagers may not know how to communicate or have the language to identify what they are experiencing, which makes mental health awareness even more crucial for this age group.  


At Rebounderz of Sunrise, we want to create an atmosphere of fun and wellness — and we all know how advantageous jumping in our trampoline park is for our mental wellbeing! Physical activity naturally boosts endorphin and serotonin levels to help combat the blues. To learn more about mental health in teens, examine the topic with us below!

Tackling Mental Health With Your Teen


Having a teenager is complicated enough — their hormones are changing — so these constant fluctuations make them more moody than that of the previous decade. So, how do you determine when their mental health is being impacted, or if it is just their hormones?


A day-in-the-life of a teenager can come with a host of short-tempers as they’re trying to cope with gaining independence, yet still being a child under your care, oh and there is also the drama. Teenagers are beginning to separate themselves from the family and explore relationships outside of it. As they experience all of the phases of broken hearts, embarrassment, and failure — unseemingly small events to you could feel like their world is coming crashing down. In all of this, they are trying to make sense of the world around them, while dealing with their hormones, and putting words to their feelings. Sound exhausting? Just recall your own teenage years.  


So, where do you separate a normal teenage experience from teenage mental health issues?


As a parent or caregiver, you know your child the best so if you notice their emotional state becoming one that is laden with chronic anxiety or depression lasting more than a few days, you may want to consider getting in touch with a mental health professional. Additional factors to consider include:


  • Decreased enjoyment with family and friends
  • An “out of nowhere” decline in their academic performance
  • Missing school or showing resistance to attending
  • Dramatic changes in their eating, sleeping, and energy levels
  • Frequent and lasting mood swings, crying often and extreme aggression
  • Substance abuse
  • A decline in personal hygiene
  • Overly suspicious of others
  • Seeing and hearing things others do not


If you notice any of these signs, talk with your teen! They have big feelings and sometimes they just need to be validated, and if you do think they have a mental health issue, approach it calmly and with empathy. Acknowledge your child’s feelings and let them know you are on their team. Other talking points include:


  • Bringing up the issue in a calm manner
  • Make sure you are talking and then listening
  • Do not interrupt your child
  • Steer clear of threats, yelling, whining, and sarcasm
  • Deal with the present and avoid commenting on the past
  • If things do become heated, pause for a break, and continue when both parties are calm


Teen Mental Health in Numbers


Struggling with mental health issues occurs in teens and can be difficult for them to deal with because they may not even know what depression or anxiety are — they just feel it. Below are surprising facts and statistics about mental health in teens.


  • One in five children ages 13 through 18, have or will experience a severe mental illness.
  • Of all teens ages 13 through 18 years in age, 20 percent will live with a mental health condition.
  • 50 percent of lifetime cases of mental illness are diagnosed by 14 and 75 percent by the age of 24.
  • 37 percent of teens 14 and older, drop out of high school.
  • 70 percent of teens in the juvenile justice system have a mental illness.
  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death in ages 10 through 24.
    • 90 percent of those cases of youth who died had a mental issue

How Parents and Caregivers Can Help Prevent Teen Mental Health Issues

As noted above, there is a high rate of teen depression that goes beyond the normal teenage experience. As a parent, you may not know how to navigate this topic or feel helpless in the whole matter, but there are things you can do to help your teen cope with these big emotions.


Let your teen know you are there, supporting and caring for them.


Although your teen may not acknowledge it, they want you around. Continue to ask open-ended questions and support their growing autonomy.


Teach and model healthy communication skills.


Communication is not an inert skill, it is one you have to continually learn from and develop. Help cultivate strong communication early in life by working through issues together.


Encourage healthy peer relationships.


Teens need the support of a family, but unhealthy or absent relationships with their peers may increase depression. When teens have a strong social connection, this is more protective against them developing mental health issues.


Encourage your teen to find something they love.


When teens have a purpose or something to excel in, this gives meaning to their lives and can help prevent mental health issues.


Help them get active!


Physical activity is a great way to get blood and oxygen to the brain while boosting neural signals that ward off mental health issues! Get a group of their friends together and get active while having fun at Rebounderz.


For more information on our hours or special events, call our office today!




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Bounce Back-To-School In Confidence! (Part Two) Fri, 31 Aug 2018 17:11:35 +0000 Continue reading Bounce Back-To-School In Confidence! (Part Two)]]>

In part one, we began looking into building confidence to help guide your child in the upcoming school year. We’ll continue the conversation today with even more ways Rebounderz Sunrise can help build confidence!



Rebounderz Cultivates Confidence Through Helping Others


How great does it feel when you can help someone else out? You feel great and it’s empowering! The same sense of empowerment can serve your child and foster confidence when they help others out while bouncing. This can be teaching someone how to bounce safely or showing a new friend around the facility. In any helping scenario, the child can realize that they have something to offer and will continue to help others, thus building more confidence! And, the best way to teach your child to be helpful is to model it yourself as a parent!


Rebounderz Cultivates Confidence Through Interacting With Different Age Groups


At Rebounderz Sunrise, we see a wide variety of age groups from the youngest bouncers that are toddlers to adults! Typically, kids like to stay within their own peer group around the same ages, but being exposed to other ages, both younger and older, can build confidence through the interactions they have. Kids have to learn how to navigate middle schoolers who can be cruel or smaller kids who may get in the way. In this sense it builds resilience giving your child a different viewpoint of their environment which gives them confidence when they encounter different people and different groups.


Rebounderz Cultivates Confidence Through Fun Tasks


Play fun games at Rebounderz with your child and give them an opportunity to display their skills and the things they’re good at, this is the ultimate confidence builder. For example, play Simon Says and ask them to repeat things they’re really good at like jumping on one foot! You can also time how long it takes them to jump from one end to another, and challenge them to do it in a faster time. Whatever task or fun game it is, make sure your child feels successful and useful, as they will feel more confident when they finish or achieve something.


Rebounderz Cultivates Confidence Through Goals


Setting goals is a great way to champion confidence. Whether your child succeeds or falls short, they’ll learn a great deal from this experience. Perhaps they’re a really great dancer. On one of our Friday Night Frenzies encourage them to enter the dance contest, or have them sign up for an exercise class to improve their athleticism.  


Rebounderz Cultivates Confidence Through a Positive Perspective


Perspective is everything and the sooner your child learns and implements one, the more confidence they can build. When a problem arises — perhaps they’re being left out or they can’t quite get a back flip — they can use their problem solving skills and then following the event you can dialogue with them about ways to have a better perspective. You can be empathetic that they can’t get a back flip and say something like “I can understand how disappointed you are, so let’s brainstorm ways that will help you get a back flip the next time around.” This builds perspective and confidence the next time a dilemma comes their way.   


Confidence is crucial when it comes to a successful school year! Have fun with your child and build up their confidence while you’re at it! Stop into our Rebounderz Sunrise location today!


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Bounce Back-To-School In Confidence! (Part One) Thu, 16 Aug 2018 17:25:31 +0000 Continue reading Bounce Back-To-School In Confidence! (Part One)]]>

The summers for kids are spent unstructured where they can roam wild and free, so naturally, going back to school can foster feelings of anxiety around the upcoming school year. Each new season of school ushers a certain amount of uncertainty that freshly challenges them intellectually, socially, and emotionally. After a long summer, it can be difficult to get back into the swing of things and adjust to more structured days, which is why confidence is crucial to help them off on the right foot. So, how can Rebounderz of Sunrise help?



A strong sense of confidence is healthy for kids to develop as they start the new school year, and Rebounderz of Sunrise can help cultivate confidence that translates to the classroom. Come bounce at our indoor trampoline park and join us in today’s post as we explore how to build confidence in kids!

Building Confidence in Kids — One Bounce at a Time!


Guiding your child towards confidence can come in many forms from talking with your kid and giving them verbal affirmations to reassurance and communicating about their anxieties, however, where does an indoor trampoline park come in? Find out below!


Rebounderz Cultivates Confidence Through Play



One of the best ways to foster confidence is through play. Whether it’s you and your child playing at Rebounderz or they’re playing with friends, the experience will build on their confidence.


If you have an outing at Rebounderz trampoline park before school starts, really make it a point to be present with your child. Together, create games the both of you can play — this creative time engages both you and your child. Playtime is advantageous to confidence because it calms anxiety and allows the kid to be a kid and can create without barriers.


Rebounderz Cultivates Confidence With Problem Solving Skills


When your child faces problems, as a parent or caregiver, ysn’t included or the kids are at a birthday party they weren’t invited to. This is upsetting seeing your child hurt, but it’s important that they handle the situation with the skills they have. Afterwards, you can touch base with them and ask them about the situation and how they feel about it and how they handled it.


When kids have the chance to deal with problems and find their own solutions, this builds confidence and a self-trust that they can handle these types of situations in the future.


Confidence is vitally important to your youngster as they begin to navigate this great big world! Help equip them with the tools they need, and one of them just happens to be confidence!


At Rebounderz Sunrise, we offer more than just your typical indoor trampoline park! We have activities for the younger crew such as Toddler Time and Munchkin and Me to Sensory Friendly Nights for those of all abilities! Come in and check us out today!


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9 Tips for Preparing Your Child For School Wed, 18 Jul 2018 15:47:45 +0000 Continue reading 9 Tips for Preparing Your Child For School]]> While there’s still some time left to enjoy summer vacation, the school year is just around the corner. Whether you have a little one getting ready for their first year in school or you have a kiddo that’s a bit older but still apprehensive, there are things you can do to help them get the most out of their time in class. Today, we’re going to take a look at some tips for preparing your child for school. If you want to give your kid a fun and safe place to play before summer is up, come to Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Sunrise.


Before starting school, a kid’s day is pretty freeform, and the same goes for summer. When your child is getting ready to start school, it’s important you teach them how to follow their schedule, when school starts and ends, and any other important activities they’ll need to be aware of.


School can be overwhelming and scary. Your child will be spending a lot of time with other kids they might not have ever met before. This makes it important to check in with how they are feeling about the situation. Ask what they’re excited about, what they’re scared of, what they’re hopeful about. This gives you a chance to assuage any fears they might have so they can walk in on their first day with confidence.


Take an opportunity to visit the school with your child before the school year officially starts. Meet with their teacher, explore the grounds, get a good idea of the layout of important places. This will help your child feel more comfortable about going to school when they have a chance to see it when it’s not filled with other kids. Some schools hold open house hours for this purpose.


While you may have your own apprehension about not being able to spend as much time with your little one as you once could, it’s important to stay positive when talking about it with your child. Focus on how much fun it will be, bring up how many new friends they’ll be able to make, tell them about how much they’ll be able to learn. If you focus on the negativity it can give your child anxiety about starting school — that won’t help them at all.


Let your child know it’s okay to be nervous about the first day of school. Your kid will be in the same position as all the other kids — starting an entirely new experience in their lives. It’s totally normal to have first-day jitters. Your child should know that all kids are nervous about starting school, but it’s nothing to be afraid of.


When you’re packing your child’s lunch, leave a little note in their lunchbox letting them know you’re thinking of them. This can provide a nice sense of comfort to keep them going when they hit the halfway mark of their first day. It’s also nice to pack in some of their favorite snacks so they have another source of comfort during the day.


With how scary the idea of school can be when you’re first starting out, there are many anxious thoughts that can creep in. Give your child reassurance that if any problems come up at school, you’ll be there to help them get resolved. However, don’t create hypothetical problems for them to think about, as that can cause them to worry over nothing.


If it’s possible, it’s a great idea to have your child spend some time with one of their classmates before the school year starts. Not only does this give them a friend to start the year with, it also gives you a chance to help them get used to socializing with kids outside of the family.


Depending on your individual situation, you may not be able to pick your child up right after school. Find out what activities are available for your child to participate in after they get done with class. This is another great opportunity for them to socialize with their new classmates.

The first day of school can be nerve-wracking for kids and parents alike. Hopefully, these tips help make the big day a little easier for everyone. For a great place to beat the heat before the summer ends, come to Rebounderz here in Sunrise!

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6 Unhealthy Kids Snacks to Avoid Thu, 21 Jun 2018 21:56:48 +0000 Continue reading 6 Unhealthy Kids Snacks to Avoid]]> Making sure your kids are eating well can be a difficult task. Between misleading packaging and aggressive marketing campaigns, many snacks proudly proclaim their health benefits, when it couldn’t be farther from the truth. With this in mind, we’ve gathered six of the most unhealthy “healthy” snacks you should avoid giving your kids. Don’t worry, we’re including great options that will hit the spot for your little one when they have a hankering for one of these snacks. At Rebounderz Trampoline Park in Sunrise, we’re passionate about getting kids active and promoting healthy lifestyles. Bring your kids in when they want a fun place to beat the heat this summer.


Although there are definitely healthy yogurt options on the market, the ones most often marketed to kids are loaded with additives, preservatives, and sugar, which make them profoundly unhealthy. They also contain high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavoring and colors, which makes it closer to candy than the healthy treat they’d lead you to believe it is. Be sure you’re checking the ingredient list to find yogurt options packed with protein and calcium, without the nasty stuff your kiddo doesn’t need.

-Granola Bars

The toughest part about so many of these unhealthy snacks is that many of them use the disguise of actually healthy treats. This is definitely the case with granola bars. Most granola bars you’ll find at your local grocery store will have added chocolate, candy, or other sources of added sugars. Stick to options with a combination of nuts, oats, seeds, and dried fruit to make the most out of this snack. There are also many different recipes out there if you want to make your own. That allows you to control exactly what will be in the bar and cater it to what your child enjoys and doesn’t like.

-Pre-Packaged Lunch Combos

While they may be convenient and a favorite of kids, these meat and cracker combos bring along tons of sodium, fat, and sugar, which don’t do anyone any favors. Along with the huge list of incomprehensible ingredients and preservatives, it’s a much better choice to pack your own. Next time you run to the grocery store, grab some whole-wheat or rye crackers, swiss or cheddar cheese, and some low-sodium turkey or ham. Pack it up in a compartmentalized Tupperware to save some money and have control over the ingredients.

-Veggie Chips

Even though they have veggie in their name, veggie chips aren’t nearly as healthy as you might think they are. This comes down to the process that turns them into chips; through heat and other processing techniques, the veggies are robbed of the vitamins and nutrients that make them so good for us. You can definitely pack a small serving (about 15 chips) every once in a while, but your best option will always be the genuine article. Baby carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower are all delicious veggie snacks that are easy to pack in a lunch.

-Fruit Snacks

The actual amount of fruit found in fruit snacks is negligible, with most of them containing a scant amount of fruit juice. Instead, they are loaded up with corn syrup, added sugars, and artificial flavoring. When you check the package for the ingredients, you’ll notice that vitamin C has been added back in, and that’s because any vitamin C that was there previously was destroyed when the snack was processed. Stick to fresh fruit to ensure your little one is getting the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow up big and strong.

-Juice Drinks

Most juices that you’ll find on store shelves actually contain a minimal amount of actual fruit juice. They also contain a ton of calories and sugar, without the vitamins and nutrients that make fruit so good for us. Make sure you only choose 100-percent fruit juices to get the most out of it but limit your kids to about four fluid ounces a day of the juice. Even if the packaging claims to be a great source of vitamin C, you’ll find that fruits, like kiwi, oranges, and strawberries, contain as much, if not more, than these juices. Veggies, like bell peppers and tomatoes, also have many great nutrients without the added sugar.

Snacks are intended to hold kids over until it’s meal time while providing them with the energy they need to be active. Steer clear of the so-called “healthy” snacks you see commercials of, and find the actual healthy alternatives or make your own at home. Nutrition is vital to a child’s development, so it can’t be ignored. Also important is physical activity. Bring them to Rebounderz in Sunrise to get them active in a fun and safe way!

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How Obstacle Courses Help Kids Wed, 30 May 2018 20:06:56 +0000 Continue reading How Obstacle Courses Help Kids]]>

Obstacle courses have been around for ages, providing fun and excitement for kids and training opportunities for adults. At Rebounderz Sunrise, we’re proud of our Ninja Warrior obstacle course that gives kids and adults alike a chance to live out their ninja dreams. Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the ways obstacle courses can help kids learn and develop. Once you’re done reading about the benefits of obstacle courses, why not take a trip over to Rebounderz with your little ones to give them a chance to test their might on our course?

-Sequencing and Memory

An obstacle course by definition has multiple obstacles that must be overcome in order. As such, it gives kids a great opportunity to work on their memory of the obstacles and which sequence they occur in. You can help them out by writing out the different obstacles in order and testing their ability to remember them. Then, set them loose and see how they do with remembering where the obstacles are and how to take them on. Test them on their memory of the course after they’ve run it by having them jot down which obstacles they can remember.

-Sensory Input

Through each activity in an obstacle course, different senses and actions will be involved. Obstacles that require climbing, lifting, running, jumping, and twisting will all engage different parts of the body, as well as the brain. Not only will this keep kids interested in the activity since they’re always doing something new, it will transfer over a better understanding of how to adjust to different situations on the fly.

-Strengthening and Balance

As we grow up, our balance is constantly developing, and it’s something we have to work on regularly. Obstacle courses can contain many different opportunities that require maintaining your balance, such as a balance beam or slanted platform. Other obstacles will increase strength, either through climbing a wall or crossing a set of monkey bars. When kids work on their strength and balance, they’re in a better position to stay physically active and healthy, so this is a great thing to focus on.
The best part of strength and balance is they are two of the easiest traits to track the progress of. How many monkey bars were you able to get past? Were you able to balance all the way down the rope bridge? Kids will love to push themselves and conquer these obstacles, providing a huge sense of pride, confidence, and accomplishment that will keep them working hard.

-Motor Skills

With obstacles requiring a variety of different actions to conquer, your child will be engaging and developing their motor skills throughout the course. Motor skills are broken down into two distinct categories, gross and fine. Gross motor skills refer to all movements related to large muscles, such as your legs, arms, and torso. Fine motor skills are all movements involving smaller muscle groups, like your hands, fingers, and wrists. As someone goes through an obstacle course, they’ll be engaging both gross and fine motor skills. For kids, the development of these motor skills is vital to their growth and independence.

-Bilateral Coordination

While bilateral coordination seems like a mouthful, it’s just a fancy way to describe using both sides of your body to complete a task. It stands to reason that this level of coordination would be required to conquer an obstacle course, but it also transfers over to daily tasks like riding a bike or sweeping the floor with a dustpan and broom. Bilateral coordination even crosses over into smaller tasks like typing or writing, so developing it early on is important to their success in a range of activities.

Obstacle courses are pretty amazing, especially when you consider how unique and different they can be. You can even set one up at home with some couch cushions and other household items. But when you want to give your child a chance to develop these important traits while they live out their ninja dreams, bring them to Rebounderz Trampoline Park in Sunrise to run our Ninja Warrior course. When they’re done running the obstacle course, they can jump around in our safe trampoline park, practice their basketball skills on the SlamBall court, or live like a daredevil with the amazing JumpXTREME tower. There’s something for everyone here at Rebounderz, so check us out today!

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Making Your Child’s Birthday Party One to Remember Mon, 16 Apr 2018 21:54:05 +0000 Continue reading Making Your Child’s Birthday Party One to Remember]]> featblogpic15

When you’re putting together a kid’s birthday party, you want to make it a memorable one that they’ll enjoy. However, it can feel pretty overwhelming with the large amount of different possible activities, meals, treats, and presents you can choose. To help make this process a bit easier, we’ve gathered some of the best ways that you can make your child’s next birthday party one to remember. At Rebounderz Trampoline Park in Sunrise, we have a team of birthday party extraordinaires, ready to help make your party fun and exciting for everyone involved. Call us today to book one of our party rooms for your kid’s next birthday party!

Make it Meaningful

Many kids love giving back, and their birthday presents a great opportunity to do just that. After a long day of having fun with friends and getting a big pile of new toys, give them a chance to go through some of their old toys to see what they don’t play with anymore and would like to donate to some kids that may not get anything on their birthday. Not only will this help keep their playroom from getting cluttered, it will also teach them the joy that comes with giving to the less fortunate. They’ll have a sense of joy when they’re able to pass along something that made them happy to someone that could really use it.

You can also take a chance to make a day full of kind deeds, with a random acts of kindness challenge. Encourage your child to do the same number of good deeds as their age on their birthday. As they get older, that number will increase and they’ll get more creative with the ways they can help out. You can also help them set up a craft station to make birthday cards for kids who are sick in a children’s hospital or volunteer with a local charity. Take this chance to show your child the value in giving so they don’t feel like a birthday is only for receiving gifts. This can foster a lifelong desire to improve the community and the lives of people around them. Another way you can improve the community while celebrating this momentous occasion is by planting a birthday tree, which they’ll always be able to look back on as they get older, charting their growth as it relates to the tree.

Make the Day Unique to Them

As kids are growing up, they can often feel left out of big events that older kids and adults get to participate in. Their birthday is the only time of the year where the festivities are for them, so when you make it special and unique to what they like, it will make it exciting and meaningful for them for years to come. Ask them what type of birthday cake they would want, let them choose the dinner menu, and get creative with it. You can even surprise them with something like a cake shaped like their favorite animal or decorated with their favorite princesses and superheroes. Party supply stores have a wide array of decorations and party favors that can bring everything together with everything they love.

Make Gift-Giving Creative

While you can absolutely have a point where presents are given and the birthday kiddo gets to open them, you can extend your gift-giving to make the whole day exciting. Give them small toys and snacks through the day to hold them over until they are able to open their ‘real’ gifts later in the day. You can also leave them a present in their room, either on their bed or on the floor, so it’s the first thing they see when they wake up. That starts their day off on a fun foot and immediately makes the day feel special and different. You can also make it into a treasure hunt, where you hide gifts (or one gift that has multiple parts) throughout the house and yard, and give them clues, riddles, or a map showing where to find them.

Throw the Ultimate Party

Your little one will only be little for so long, so take this opportunity to make their birthday something really special for them. Choose a different theme every year based on something they love. For example, you can have a superhero party at Rebounderz, where everyone wears a costume and lives out their superpowered dreams in the trampoline park or leaping into the foam pit. You can even choose a theme based on their favorite animal, a movie they really enjoy, their most beloved book series, or anything else you think might excite them. A birthday is a great opportunity to show your child that you care about them and pay attention to what they enjoy.

Kids will naturally want to have a party with their friends, but they also enjoy spending time with other family members on their birthday. After the friends have gone home, have a nice family dinner as grandparents, aunts, and uncles are able to share in the fun and tell stories about when they were growing up. Not only does this give kids another perspective about what it was like being young years ago, it’s also a great chance for them to get to know their family a bit better.

You can take it up a notch by having a backyard campout with their friends where they can have a sleepover in a tent, complete with s’mores and campfire stories. Try creating a photo booth that matches up with the theme of the party to send everyone home with a memento they’ll cherish for years to come. To tie everything together, have some games for everyone to play, like pin the tail on the donkey, bobbing for apples, or a piñata filled to the brim with your child’s favorite candy.


There are so many ways that you can make your kid’s next birthday party special, but we hope these ideas help get the ball rolling for you. If you’re looking for a sure-fire way to make a birthday party they’ll always remember, book one of the party rooms at Rebounderz in Sunrise. With a dedicated party host helping with the festivities, from setup to cleanup, we’ll take the stress off your shoulders so you can enjoy this special day with your little one. We have many awesome attractions that will make everyone happy. So whether they want to try to dunk on the SlamBall court, test their might on the exciting Ninja Warrior course, or they want to live their daredevil dreams on the 14-foot tall JumpXTREME Tower, we’ve got everything you could hope for. We hope to see you jumping here soon!

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Why Fitness is Important for Kids Mon, 02 Apr 2018 14:10:21 +0000 Continue reading Why Fitness is Important for Kids]]>

With childhood obesity on the rise, it is more and more important for kids to be physically active. Physical activity doesn’t have to be in a gym or in physical education class at school, though. Running around at recess, playing sports, and riding bikes are all wonderful forms of physical activity that help kids stay healthy. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at why fitness is so important for children. One of the most fun ways you can make sure your kids are getting active is right here at Rebounderz Trampoline Park. Whether they’re running through our exciting Ninja Warrior course or they’re jumping on our safe trampolines, they’re exercising while they have fun. Without further ado, let’s jump into the importance of fitness for kids.

-Benefits at a Glance

While everyone, regardless of their age, benefits from regularly exercising, kids stand to benefit even more. As their bodies are growing, it’s important that they stay active to get these benefits:

  • Stronger muscles and bones
  • Less likely to become overweight
  • Decrease risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Overall positive outlook thanks to improved blood flow releasing endorphins and oxygen

Not only will a child receive those benefits, they will also sleep better after burning off excess energy. That means they’ll be more alert and attentive in school, ready to learn. They’ll also be better equipped to handle both physical and emotional challenges, whether it’s running to catch their bus or studying for a big test the next day. Kids need a lot of sleep to develop properly, so physical activity will ensure they’re ready for bed.

-Three Forms of Fitness

Regardless of if it’s on the playground or in the gym, you can distill fitness down to three separate forms. These forms can combine in different types of activity, but for the most part, you can break them down like this:

  • Endurance (running around playing tag)
  • Strength (climbing monkey bars)
  • Flexibility (gymnastics)

It’s a good idea to encourage your children to try a variety of physical activities so they can work on all three forms of fitness. This will help them be well rounded in their health and activity. Let’s take a deeper look at each of the three forms, shall we?


This form is developed when kids get regular aerobic and cardiovascular exercise. When engaging in aerobic activity, heart rate increases and you’re breathing harder. When this is done on a regular basis, it strengthens the heart, improves blood flow, and makes it easier for the body to receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs to be healthy and strong. Aerobic exercise is fun for everyone, no matter what your age is. Some examples of endurance-boosting aerobic activity include:

  • Basketball
  • Riding a bike
  • Ice or inline skating
  • Soccer
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Taking a walk, run, or jog


When we talk about kids improving their strength, we’re not implying they need to become muscle-bound after lifting weights. Rather, they can do this with some simple exercises. Boosting their strength will ensure they build healthy muscles, joints, and bones. This training also helps to strengthen the ligaments and tendons that provide support for muscles and bones, while also improving bone density. Some strength-building activities include:

  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Crunches
  • Climbing on monkey bars or a rock wall
  • Doing a handstand
  • Wrestling


Placing an importance on flexibility won’t just help kids be more active, it will also help them avoid injuring themselves while they play. Muscles have a natural elasticity that is necessary to move. When your child learns proper stretching techniques, they’re able to move through their full range of motion without trouble. Stretching before and after physical activity will help their muscles adjust to what will be asked of them to avoid strains or pulled muscles. Some helpful and easy stretches include:

  • Child’s pose
  • Cat-Cow pose (strengthens abdominals and stretches spine)
  • Overhead arm stretch
  • Wide arms stretch
  • Knee lunges
  • Butterfly stretch (strengthens inner thigh flexibility)
  • Crossover toe touch (strengthens legs and spine flexibility)

-Tips for Getting Kids Active

As of 2015, nearly one in five school-aged children and young people (from six to 19 years of age) had obesity. It’s clear to see that as an epidemic, but it’s something that parents can help their children avoid. With a connection to the internet in everyone’s pocket and a constant barrage of different media to consume, kids have fallen into an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. A few ways to help your kids be more active include:

  • Set time limits for watching TV, playing video games, and accessing social media. Watching a screen should not replace sleeping and exercise.
  • For children ages two to five, limit screen time to an hour a day or less.
  • Avoid screen time, other than a video-chat with the grandparents, for kids under 18 months of age.
  • Only allow your child to engage in high-quality, educational content. Watch it with them so you know the content of what they’re watching or playing.
  • Keep computers, TVs, and video games out of children’s rooms and turn off screens while the family eats.

-How Much Physical Activity is Enough?

When parents are told they need to ensure their kids are getting enough physical activity, it can feel like a nebulous concept. How much is enough? How much would be too much? Luckily, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education put together some helpful guidelines for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age kids.


No specific time requirements. Encourage physical activity to strengthen the development of motor skills.


Recommended minimum daily activity- Hour and a half. Break it up between 30 minutes of planned physical activity and 60 minutes of unstructured physical activity (play time).


Recommended minimum daily activity- Two hours. 60 minutes of planned physical activity and 60 minutes of unstructured physical activity (play time).


Recommended minimum daily activity- One hour or more. Break this up into 15-minute activities to work around their new school schedule.

Helping your child stay fit will have long-lasting effects as they grow up. Their bones, joints, and muscles will be strong and avoid injury thanks to their improved flexibility. They’ll be less likely to get tired after short activities with their boosted endurance. Your child will also sleep better after working out excess energy. If you’re looking for someplace fun for your kid to be physically active, bring them to Rebounderz here in Sunrise. They can spring into our foam pit or test their basketball skills on the SlamBall court. No matter what they choose, you can be sure they’re getting the physical activity they need to grow up big and strong. We hope you jump in soon!

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Why Core Strength is Important Mon, 26 Mar 2018 17:34:02 +0000 Continue reading Why Core Strength is Important]]>

We recently took a look at how to do a front flip, backflip, and Barani flip. In those entries, we discussed how important core strength is to properly pull off these tricks. Beyond doing awesome stunts on a trampoline, why is core strength important to you? We’re going to take a closer look at the benefits of improving your core strength today. Not only will it help you perform tricks easier, but it will also improve your performance in day-to-day tasks. After you’ve built up your core, come to Rebounderz Trampoline Park in Sunrise to test your might!

-Everyday Activities

You would be surprised how many things you do every day are engaging your core muscles. Everything from bending over to put on your shoes or turning to look at something behind you to things as simple as sitting in a chair or standing up straight are all affected by your core. You may not even realize their impact on these tasks until they become difficult or painful to do. Even the most basic parts of daily living — such as showering and getting dressed — engage your core.

-Work Activities

The first thing that might jump to your mind is a long list of jobs with heavy lifting, twisting, and standing for long periods of time. While those all definitely rely on your core muscles, there are less obvious work tasks — such as sitting at your desk for hours at a time — engage your core as well. Though they don’t seem as intensive, making phone calls, typing, using a computer, and other similar work can all make your back muscles sore and stiff. This is especially true for people that don’t have good posture and don’t take enough breaks.

-Healthy Back

Four out of five Americans deal with often-debilitating back pain. Such pain may be prevented by exercising those core muscles, making them more resilient and stronger. When someone is dealing with back pain, a doctor will often prescribe a regimen of core exercises to help relieve it, along with medication, physical therapy, chiropractic alignment, or other treatments. You can help avoid back issues by strengthening those core muscles before pain becomes an issue.

-Sports and Other Hobbies

Pretty much every sport involves your core muscles. Golfing, tennis, biking, trampolining, running, swimming, baseball, basketball, kayaking, and many other athletic endeavors all require a strong core. Even hobbies like fishing or building models rely on abdominal and back muscles since they require you to stand or sit for long periods of time. Not only will strong core muscles help you avoid pain issues, it will also improve your flexibility, which can make you more effective at whatever sport you participate in.

-Work Around the House

No matter if it is basic house cleaning, gardening, or doing some much-needed repairs, it will all be easier and less taxing on you when your core muscles are strong. With how much you’re bending, lifting, twisting, carrying, reaching high above you, or hammering, your core is being engaged in every task you take on to clean or improve your home. Even activities like vacuuming, mopping, and dusting actively engage, or otherwise pass through your core muscles.

-Balance and Stability

With all of your movement requiring your core muscles’ engagement, it stands to reason that the stronger they are, the better your balance will be. That means you’ll be more stable when moving, allowing for quick changes in direction no matter what type of terrain you’re on. It will also mean that you can stand in one spot without losing your balance. When you think of it that way, core exercises make it less likely you’ll fall down.

-Strong Posture

When your core muscles are weak, you’re more prone to slouching. Not only does good posture make you look thinner and more confident, it will also reduce the strain and stress placed on your spine. You’ll also be able to breathe deeper, which will improve your circulation and provide much-needed oxygen throughout your body. When you have good posture, you’ll also be able to reap the full benefits of all of your exercise.

With the impact that your core muscles have on every move you make, it’s clear why strengthening them should be a priority for everyone. In the near future, we’ll take a look at some of the best exercises you can do to keep your core strong. One of the best activities you can do to strengthen your core is trampolining, as it engages your entire body. To start on your path to a stronger core, come to Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Sunrise. Whether you’re taking a leap of faith off our impressive 14-foot tall JumpXTREME Tower or you’re testing your strength on the Ninja Warrior course, you’re sure to get a workout to remember. We hope you jump in soon!

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How Being Active Helps With Brain Function Fri, 09 Mar 2018 16:05:00 +0000 Continue reading How Being Active Helps With Brain Function]]> Here at Rebounderz Trampoline Park, we are absolutely crazy about getting people active. From little kids to adults, we want to see everyone jumping, running, and laughing the whole way. You might not be aware of this, but being active can have pretty incredible effects on how your brain functions. How so? We’re going to dive into the many ways that physical activity can boost your brain today. If you’re looking for a fun way to get active and get these benefits, why not come to Rebounderz in Sunrise? Whether it’s on our safe trampolines or in the exciting Ninja Warrior course, you’re sure to find a fun way to get moving here!

-Improved Circulation

When you are physically active, your blood flow increases. This in turn delivers vital oxygen and glucose directly to the brain, while removing waste products that can gum up the system. Cardiovascular exercises, like running or rebounding on a trampoline, have an even bigger effect, pumping more oxygen and glucose to the brain thanks to the increase in heart rate they create. Physical activity and exercise has also been shown to stimulate the growth of cerebral blood vessels, which also improves blood flow to the brain and through the rest of your body. When you exercise, the synapses in your brain are stimulated as the number of acetylcholine receptors located at the junction of your nerves and muscles are preserved. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays a large role in memory, motivation, and attention, making it invaluable. This also means that people who are active have more receptors active in their brains than inactive people.

-Better Mood

When you are active, your body is able to produce more serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that is strongly connected with good health and stable mental well-being. What that means is exercise can operate as a natural antidepressant, as an increase of serotonin can help balance mood and emotions. That means that physical activity can also help reduce stress levels and anxiety issues. Beyond the physical activity, many people find a sense of calm when they’re able to focus on the task at hand of working out, which also helps improve mood.

-Learning and Memory

You would be amazed that even moderate exercise, such as a 30-minute walk, can help to improve your memory functions, learning abilities, and even abstract reasoning skills. While it’s tough to say exactly why this happens, many believe it all comes down to the improved oxygenation the brain receives during this type of activity. When your brain receives more oxygen, it is able to operate properly, which allows you to retain more knowledge easier than otherwise.

-More Brain Cells

For many years, the common belief was that the human brain was complete at the time of birth and was not able to grow new brain cells. However, in 1999, the Salk Institute produced a study that showed that an adult human brain actually does have the capability to produce new cells. This process is what is called neurogenesis. In the years since that discovery, more studies have been conducted to determine the process behind the new generation of brain cells. Many of these studies have pointed toward exercise stimulating the production of a brain protein called Noggin. This aptly named protein drives the production of neurogenesis, as well as stem cells. That means exercise increases your brain’s ability to grow new cells, and the more you work out, the more new brain cells you can produce.

-Brain Disease Prevention

The National Institutes of Health have stated that physical activity can help to delay or prevent the loss of cognitive function that is brought about by age and disease. People that do not engage in physical exercise are two times as likely to develop debilitating brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s, compared to those that are regularly active. It is recommended to do physical and mental exercises to help fight these diseases. Some mental exercises include using your non-dominant hand to do tasks or completing word games and math problems. These exercises help your brain strengthen its neural connections, as well as create new ones. Physical exercise increases the flow of important nutrients to your brain which help it to stay healthy. When you combine the two forms of exercise, you’re ensuring your brain will be operating well for years to come.

No matter which physical exercise is your favorite, it is fair to say it will help with how well your brain functions. All it takes is 30 minutes of activity, at least three times a week, to see results. If you’re looking for a fun way to be active, look no further than Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Sunrise. Whether you’re catching some air on the trampoline, taking a leap of faith off the 14-foot tall JumpXTREME Tower, or you’re dunking on our SlamBall court, you won’t struggle to find the perfect activity to boost your brain power. We hope to see you here soon!

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Which Muscles Are Worked Out On A Trampoline? Fri, 02 Mar 2018 15:02:54 +0000 Continue reading Which Muscles Are Worked Out On A Trampoline?]]> By now, you’ve likely heard how great working out on a trampoline is. However, what you may not know is which muscles are actually being exercised and improved through trampoline workouts. With that in mind, we have gathered together the muscles that see the most improvement from trampoline exercise. After you’re done reading and you’re ready to get your muscles moving, come to Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Sunrise for a fun workout you’ll love. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s check those muscles out.

-Abdominal Muscles

The act of jumping up and down activates your core muscles more than you might initially think. That’s because as you coil your body up, ready to explode for a jump, you are contracting and releasing your abdominal muscles. With every jump, you flex and release those muscles, which results in your abs becoming more toned and defined. Reports have shown that rebounding on a trampoline provides a more efficient and effective abdominal workout that doesn’t cause your body the same amount of strain or impact as sit-ups or crunches.

-Lower Body

More obvious may be the benefits your lower body muscles see. Jumping naturally involves your legs, thighs, and glutes. That means the consistent jumping motion involved in trampolining results in your lower body muscles becoming stronger and more toned with every leap you take. The low-impact nature of trampolining makes it a more desirable workout, as there is less strain and pressure placed on your knees and ankles, which cannot be said about running. If you’re looking to see even greater results, you can add ankle weights or hold small dumbbells to provide extra resistance and build your muscles further.


It’s easy to forget, but your heart actually is a muscle. When you work out, you strengthen your cardiovascular system, which helps pump blood through your body. Thanks to the cardio exercise provided by trampolining, you can strengthen your heart in a way that is fun and has less impact than jogging. Rebounding on a trampoline can also reduce blood pooling in your veins, which can cause chronic edema. When your body can properly pump blood through your veins, your immune system will also see a benefit, as you will be better equipped to fight off infections.

-Lymphatic System

Though it is not technically a muscle, your lymphatic system is vital to your health. That’s because your lymphatic system contains a network of tissues and organs that work together to keep your body clear of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials. Unlike your cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system requires your body to act as a pump in order to operate. Therefore, the full body exercise of trampolining is a great way to improve your lymphatic system, as it requires our conscious movement. Rebounding on a trampoline can cause your lymphatic valves to open and close simultaneously, which can increase lymph flow by as much as 15 times its normal rate.

-Other Benefits

When you jump on a trampoline, you achieve a state of weightlessness that benefits every muscle and cell in your body. That is because it allows your body to engage its ability to detoxify everything from your brain to your kidneys with the lymphatic fluid that is carried by your blood flow. That fluid is carried to the cells and body tissue to remove harmful toxins that have built up over time. Rebounding also stimulates your thyroid gland, allowing it to clean itself and the entire lymphatic system of stored fat. That results in a reduction in cellulite build up. Trampolining also increases the mitochondrial count in each of your cells due to the extra demand of energy the exercise calls for.

Jumping on a trampoline also strengthens your skeletal system and increases your bone mass. That is because of the increased G-force your bones experience while rebounding strengthens them without the danger of shin splints or fractures, thanks to the low-impact nature of trampolining. That means that trampolining strengthens your bone density as a form of prevention against bone conditions such as osteoporosis. This has made trampolining an incredibly useful exercise for astronauts preparing for the loss of bone mass that comes from extended time spent in a zero-gravity environment. This also makes rebounding incredibly helpful for seniors, as it provides them a safe, low-impact workout that helps build their bone density while strengthening and lengthening muscles, which improves their flexibility.

Your muscles aren’t the only part of your body that see incredible benefits from trampoline exercise. When you include trampolining in your workout routine, you’ll see overall improvement for your whole body. If you’re looking for the perfect place to get your trampolining in, come to Rebounderz Trampoline Park in Sunrise. Whether you’re jumping on our trampoline or you’re testing your skills on the Ninja Warrior course, we know you’ll get a workout that really works. We hope to see you here soon!

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Sports That Train on Trampolines Fri, 23 Feb 2018 21:14:00 +0000 Continue reading Sports That Train on Trampolines]]>

Trampolines are considered one of the most effective training apparatuses around, with NASA reporting that it is 68 percent more effective than jogging. It’s not just astronauts that are training on trampolines, though. Many athletes from a wide range of sports utilize trampolines in their training to great effect. With that in mind, we’ve gathered some of the sports that benefit the most from trampoline training along with why it is so beneficial for them. If you’re looking for a great place to start your trampoline training, come to Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Sunrise.


It’s probably not that surprising to hear that a sport that involves as much jumping as basketball benefits greatly from trampoline training. Players have found that it has greatly improved their vertical leap while being more low-impact than comparable exercises taking place on solid ground. Trampolining also improves agility and balance, which are two invaluable skills needed to be a successful basketball player. At Rebounderz, our SlamBall court sees a lot of prospective basketball players take their game up a notch with exciting, high-flying dunks.


No matter which event a gymnast specializes in, they see results from adding trampolining to their regimen. Learning how to bounce, spin, twist, and flip are all easier and safer when done on a trampoline. Jumping also strengthens core muscles that are vital to performing their acrobatic feats. A trampoline provides a safe area to get used to the flux and torque of a gymnastic routine while maintaining their bearings. They also see the added benefit of increasing their vertical leap, which is of particular importance for the floor exercise and uneven bars.

-Extreme Sports

Snowboarders, skiers, and skateboarders all love training on trampolines. Thanks to the safe area it provides for their training, they’re able to push themselves harder and go for bigger tricks without the danger hard ground presents. Many will take their board or skis onto the trampoline so they actually have the physical object with them as they train. Skateboarders remove the trucks and wheels and train with the board on its own, which is incredibly helpful since most skateboarding tricks heavily involve the board moving in some way. When you combine the safety and verticality of a trampoline with the soft landing area of a foam pit (just like we have a Rebounderz), they’re able to try things that would never be possible on solid ground. This is great for removing the anxiety and fear that can come with extreme sports, making for a more confident and boundary-pushing competitor.

-Professional Wrestling

Whether you see it as a sport or an elaborate dance, it’s not hard to be amazed by the incredible acrobatic performances they put on in front of massive crowds. Due to the danger many of the moves present, many pro wrestlers will take their training to a trampoline. This gives them a safe place to practice moves and learn how to do the high-flying attacks that wow the crowds in a controlled environment. Similar to the other sports we have discussed, pro wrestlers also benefit from a low-impact workout that strengthens their legs and core without putting their joints and muscles under undue strain and stress.

While we only shined a light on four sports, the fact of the matter is trampolining is a low-impact, high-yield workout that athletes of all disciplines and experience levels can benefit from a great deal. If you’re looking to improve your vertical leap, strengthen your core muscles, or you just want a safe place to have some fun, look no further than Rebounderz Trampoline Park here in Sunrise. We hope to see you soon!

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