Fun Birthday Party Activities

When you’re putting together a birthday party for your kid, there’s a lot that you have to consider. Planning out activities and games might seem like a lot of work, but we’ve gathered some of the best birthday party activities that you can put together easily. Not only that, these are all affordable options, so you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank to put on a party that everyone will enjoy. If you’re looking for the best place to hold your kid’s birthday party here in Edison, look no further than Rebounderz Trampoline Park! Our birthday parties are always a hit with kids and adults alike.

Keep in mind that all of the activities that we’re about to dive into are all incredibly customizable. Make alterations to them as you see fit so that they match with what your child’s interests are, what you have available to you, and whatever the theme of the party may be. Without further ado, let’s look at some fun kid’s birthday party activities!

-Treasure/ Scavenger Hunt

This is a great way to kick off a party and get everyone moving. Whether you draw out a treasure map or you create a scavenger hunt list, you’re providing an activity that gets kids to think critically and examine their surroundings. If you’re holding a large party, put everyone into teams and make it a race to see who can find the treasure or complete their list first. A small toy or snack is a great reward after running around on the hunt for treasure!

-Three Legged Race

A classic birthday party game that is still tons of fun. Kids will have a blast with this and parents won’t be able to stop laughing! All you need is something to tie each team’s legs together and some space to run. If you really want to kick it up a notch, add in some cones or other obstacles that the racers have to maneuver around.


The best part of this game is there is no age limit on who can play. This makes it wonderful fun for kids and parents who are attending, as it is a chance for everyone to interact together. All you need is some scraps of paper with topics written on them to spur everyone’s imaginations. Feel free to adjust the rules of charades to accommodate young children that are still learning about more abstract concepts. They might not be able to get their point across silently, so giving them some leeway with hints can help them enjoy the game without getting frustrated.

-Tug of War

Another easy game to play with minimal supplies, tug of war only requires a rope long enough to handle everyone playing. When setting up for a tug of war, it’s important you divide the teams evenly so everyone has a chance to win. If you’re dealing with a wide range of ages in your party guests, it’s a good idea to make sure that it’s not a team of big kids against little kids. Not only would that make for a lopsided game, it will surely lower the morale of the little ones playing. Instead, when little kids get to be on a team with the big kids, it’s an exciting moment for them!

-Marco Polo

Just because you aren’t at the pool, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy this classic pool game. With a good amount of space and a blindfold, you can make a landlocked game of Marco Polo, which will be a hit with everyone. Blindfold your “Marco” and kick the game off with a countdown to let the others run and hide. You can even alter the game to have the kids give hints as to where an object is, and have them shout out clues like “warmer” and “colder” to the blindfolded searcher.

-Obstacle Course

You can set up a pretty cool obstacle course in your backyard with items you have on hand. Otherwise, you can come to Rebounderz and let the kids loose on our Ninja Warrior obstacle course. If you are looking for activities that get kids up and moving, there’s nothing better than this. They’ll have the chance to run, jump, climb, and swing as they try to overcome the obstacles and reach the finish line.

-Hot Potato

Here’s another easy game that just needs an object to act as the “potato”. You can get really creative with this one and adapt it to whatever the theme of your party is. Gather everyone in a circle and have them toss the object around. You can set this to music as a way to let people know when someone has been eliminated.

-Musical Chairs

Musical chairs is another fun game that everyone can play, and all you need is some chairs and some music. Set out a circle of chairs, with one fewer than the number of people that are playing. Start the music up and have everyone begin walking around the chairs. Once you stop the music, everyone has to find a seat. Whoever is left standing is eliminated, a chair is removed from the circle, and the game continues until only one person remains.

-What’s in the Bag

This is a fun guessing game to play when you’re trying to wind down. Place an object in a bag and have the kids take turns trying to guess what it is only by feeling it. This is great practice for helping kids learn new ways to identify objects, describe what they feel, and form an idea of what the object is within their mind. If you’re not sure if the little ones will be able to avoid looking, you can use the blindfold from your game of Marco Polo to make sure everyone has an even playing field.

-Simon Says

No matter where you’re holding your party, you can play a game of Simon Says. This classic game teaches kids about listening skills and following instructions. For a fun twist on it, change the name from “Simon” to something that fits your party’s theme. For instance, at a pirate party, it could be “Captain Says.”


Tag is one of those timeless games that can be changed and adapted to fit many different circumstances. Whether you’re playing with classic rules, freeze tag, TV tag, or any of the other variations, everyone will have fun and get involved. The best part is, there are no supplies required for this game.

There are many more fun and easy birthday party activities that we’ll dive into in the future, but we hope that this gets your creative wheels turning. Customizing a classic game to fit your child’s interests or the theme of the party can be an easy way to make it memorable for everyone. Another way to make a birthday party memorable is to choose an awesome location with plenty to do. Lucky for you, Rebounderz Trampoline Park is located right here in Edison. Our birthday parties are a hit with kids and adults alike. With our safe trampolines, the exciting JumpXtreme Tower, and thrilling Ninja Warrior course, we’re sure we have the activity that will take your kid’s birthday party up another level. We hope to see you here soon!

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