What Are the Benefits of a Team Building Day With Your Coworkers?

What’s your reaction when a team building day is announced at work? It seems like for most people, there are two basic reactions. People either quickly check their paid time off balance and decide whether or not it’s worth it to skip a day at work, or they blandly resign themselves to whatever activity is planned because at least they’ll get a day away from their desks. There aren’t a lot of people who actually look forward to spending an afternoon or a full day with their co-workers.

Well, unless they are planning a day at our Edison trampoline park. We host corporate and team building events for businesses in Edison and the surrounding areas. And when people come to a team building event at our facility, they actually enjoy it!

Those team building events are actually good for you, too. It’s not just an excuse to get out of the office. Forbes.com actually called it “the most important investment you’ll make” in your company, due to the huge return on your investment. Discover some of the best benefits of team building with your coworkers below.

Team Building Can Improve…


Maybe it isn’t realistic to expect your team to be excited about getting up early and coming to work each day, but you want them to be enthusiastic about the work they are doing once they get there. A team building activity can help motivate them and build more enthusiasm in the team.


If you work in a creative industry, you know how hard it is to be creative day after day, especially when you are in the same rut. Breaking your team out of their routine and shaking things up with some team building activities can help unlock some new creative ideas. This is important for every job role, even if they aren’t inherently creative because it can help unlock new product, service, and marketing ideas as well as help with problem-solving.


Many team building activities require teammates to work together to solve a problem. This is more than just a time-killer; it can show team members how they can work together to solve problems in the office, too. They’ll carry those new skills they learned during their team building exercises back into the office, where they can help them overcome issues that previously felt impossible.

Office Relationships

Offices are funny places; you have a lot of personalities in one small space, and sometimes they just don’t mix. But when you get people out of the office and getting to know each other on a personal level, instead of just at a meeting table, they might start to like each other as people and not just coworkers. Even coworkers who previously had trouble getting along might realize that, actually, they have a lot in common!


It’s a proven fact that small breaks can help make you more productive. Many productivity experts recommend five or ten-minute breaks throughout the day. It’s the same thing for team building exercises. Think of them as your short breaks for the rest of the year! Getting your team out of the office once in a while will make them more efficient when they get back to work.


Productivity and efficiency go hand in hand! Team members can find new, faster, and cheaper ways to work together to get their projects done. That means you are spending less on getting the same amount of work, thanks to all this new efficiency. That can really be a boost to your bottom line!


Team building activities require you to communicate with your teammates. Communicating out of the office makes it easier for coworkers to communicate in the office, too. It can help people overcome roadblocks in their communication styles and work together much more easily.

Leadership Skills

Leaders can emerge and find their voice during team building activities. Natural leaders during team building are likely your natural leaders in the office, giving you a chance to see their leadership style and decide if it’s something you’d like to foster in the workplace, too. It can also teach those leaders a lot of skills about how to get people to listen and work together.

Respect for Teammates

It’s hard not to respect someone that just worked their hardest on a team-building activity. When coworkers spend time together outside of the office, it’s easier for them to develop respect for each other as people. That will carry over into their work relationship, too.

Office Culture

The fun you had on team building day can carry over into the rest of the year. An improvement in your office culture can help with employee retention, morale, and so much more. The improvements you see in your office will be more than worth the price of your team building day!

We Can Help With Your Next Corporate Event

Whether you are celebrating a successful quarter or need to bring your team in for some bonding time, our Edison trampoline park is here for you! We offer customized corporate event packages so you get the time you need with your team as well as access to all of our facilities. We can even help with the food and drinks! Get in touch with our team by giving us a call or contacting us through our website. A member of our team will get back to you with the information that you need to plan the perfect team-building event. We’re looking forward to seeing you and your team soon!

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