Rebounderz – An All-Inclusive Place to Bounce

Rebounderz supports kids with autism and provides a safe and therapeutic place to play!


Kids who are on the autism spectrum face social challenges and sensory concerns including light, sound, taste, and touch, but what about their physical activity, does it suffer as a result of these things? Kids on the spectrum find it overwhelming and intimidating to participate in group sports which a good deal of physical activity for youth comes from, so trampoline therapy may be just the thing for them!


It can be difficult for those with autism to engage socially in a large facility such as Rebounderz with the controlled chaos that sometimes ensues — kids are yelling and screaming and running and jumping around freely, but as you navigate the facility and prepare your child for the environment, it is a great physical activity and alternative for the pressure of group sports.


At Rebounderz Sunrise, many have discovered the benefits of trampoline therapy for their child with autism. Learn more about how our all-inclusive trampoline park is the perfect place to play!

Trampoline Therapy For Kids With Autism


Physical activity is beneficial for all kids — they can burn off extra energy and stay healthy and fit — but for those on the autism spectrum, they can greatly benefit from improved coordination, better motor skills, muscle strength, posture, and stamina that comes from jumping at a trampoline park.


A trampoline park is an opportunity for them to ditch passive activities on their electronics that can not only be addictive but isolating, and get them moving and helping them cultivate healthy socialization. It also helps counteract weight issues and more muscle tone that kids on the spectrum often deal with. As they bounce and engage in trampoline therapy, they burn calories and develop muscle tone to stave off an unhealthy weight gain while improving balance and coordination.


A trampoline park provides individual play in a group setting.


Individual or parallel play is the type of play in which kids can engage in the same activity without much interaction, so you can bounce next to other kids and not influence one another’s behavior — this is the type of play that most on the spectrum enjoy. There are no complicated rules to learn or stress involved. Bouncing at a trampoline park benefits your child because they can get great physical activity while engaging with others in a non-threatening environment they can move about at their own pace.


Trampoline therapy provides behavior repetition.


When kids on the spectrum are able to repeat physical movements this is not only comforting but an important coping mechanism. Some common repetitive behaviors kids with autism engage in are hand flapping, finger snapping, and banging their heads as a way to stimulate themselves and stay in a calm state — these calming behaviors are often misunderstood, mocked, and taunted in public. Though most of these behaviors aren’t harmful, trampoline therapy can possibly replace these calming behaviors with repetitive stimulation such as bouncing.  


Help cultivate body safety and awareness at our trampoline park.


Kids on the spectrum often lack the awareness and safety of their own bodies and trampoline therapy can help develop this awareness through the stimulating and repetitive action of jumping. Bouncing teaches muscle control and how to better center the body and steering it toward the right reflexes.


There are myriad of rebounding techniques including running in place, bouncing, and rocking that is repetitive enough to help your child adapt to these shifts and better center them and find additional help from supportive muscles. When they are challenged to maintain balance through tiny reorienting movements, this forces body awareness because they are focused on staying safe and upright.


It is also a great way for those with autism to better understand not only where their body is, but where others are in proximity. It is a great way to teach gravity, force, the laws of motion, mass, velocity, and buoyancy.   

Why jump at Rebounderz Sunrise?


Rebounderz trampoline park in Sunrise is the perfect place to bring your child with autism for trampoline therapy in a sensory-friendly environment. If they have specific sensitivities, chat with us and we will come up with solutions for a better bouncing experience!


Connect with us and begin your exploration into trampoline therapy today!


Do you know someone who is on the autism spectrum? Gift them with tickets today!



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